regularly buy TRO industrial knives and blades
in which we are present
install TRO knives as original parts of their machines
in the sales program of TRO industrial knives and blades
10 Jun

TRO d.o.o. at IFAT 2024 Fair Munich

How we work

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who visited us at IFAT 2024 fair. Your presence and interest in our products mean a lot to us. We hope you enjoyed the presentation of our industrial knives and recognized their superior quality.

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TRO d.o.o. at IFAT 2024 Fair Munich
27 Sep

We are honoured to announce that we recieved “Bomag Supplier Award 2022” for outstanding quality performance.


We had a pleasure to visit BOMAG GmbH this summer and learn more about this successful international company. We are looking forward to continue our partnership in the future!

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We are honoured to announce that we recieved “Bomag Supplier Award 2022” for outstanding quality performance.
30 Mar

Supplier recognition award – supplier of the year 2021


We recieved »Supplier recognition award – supplier of the year 2021« from our business partner Dover group.

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Supplier recognition award – supplier of the year 2021
12 Oct

Slovenian prime minister Janez Janša visited our company


Slovenian prime minister Janez Janša visited our company with his delegation.

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Slovenian prime minister Janez Janša visited our company
EU kohezijski sklad